All Science & Innovation Theaters take place on Thursday, Oct. 22 between 4:00-5:15pm. The first Theater is at 4:00-4:30pm and the second and third Theater run concurrent, from 4:45-5:15pm. Instructions will be included on the Nexus 2020 Virtual platform.

Science & Innovation Theaters provide a structured focus for participants to gain information on specific products, therapeutic areas and/or disease states in presentations provided by company designated presenters.*

Materials presented in theaters may be promotional and concentrate on a specific product, service, or therapeutic area. Therefore, these presentations are considered promotional and do not offer continuing education credit.

Thursday, Oct. 22 | 4-4:30pm

Acute Exacerbations: Predictors of Poor Outcomes in COPD

Sponsored by AstraZeneca


This program will examine the risk factors associated with COPD exacerbations and the potential impacts of acute exacerbations on patient health, quality of life, and mortality. An understanding of COPD exacerbations and the range of consequences highlights opportunities to optimize COPD management earlier in the course of disease.


Igor Barjaktarevic, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor
Medical Director, COPD Program at UCLA
Director of Critical Care Ultrasound
UCLA Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care
David Geffen School of Medicine at University of California Los Angeles

Thursday, Oct. 22 | 4:45-5:15pm

Anemia of CKD: A Changing Perspective Based on the HIF Pathway

Sponsored by AstraZeneca


Anemia of CKD represents a significant burden in the US. “Anemia of CKD: A Changing Perspective Based on the HIF Pathway” discusses the evolution of science for anemia of CKD, beyond ESAs and iron, to the latest advances in science. Anemia of CKD is no longer perceived to be only an EPO and iron deficiency. The activation of the HIF pathway in response to low oxygen levels in the kidney initiates a cascade of events that stimulates physiologic erythropoiesis, with increased EPO production and reduced hepcidin levels. The activation of this pathway is disrupted in patients with anemia of CKD.


Henry Cremisi, MD FACP
Medical Director, Renal

Reduce Total Cost of Care Through Innovations in Medication Safety

Sponsored by TabulaRasa HealthCare


Preventable adverse drug events result in billions of dollars of emergency room visits and hospitalizations annually. The presentation will describe how Tabula Rasa HealthCare’s advanced medication safety science has redefined medication safety. Learn how health plans are using MedWise™ to innovate medication management and reduce total cost of care.


Lauren E. Steffen, PharmD, BCGP, CMWA
Sr. Director, Learning & Development
TRHC University
Tabula Rasa HealthCare 

Robert Berringer, PharmD
Director, Pharmacy Services
Magellan Complete Care of Virginia

* Science & Innovation Theaters may include preapproved information exchange content. Subject to federal laws and regulations, attendance at PIE sessions is restricted to payors, formulary committee, or other similar entity representatives with knowledge and expertise in the area of health care economic analysis, carrying out responsibilities for the selection of drugs for coverage or reimbursement. For more information, visit our website.