Aimee Tharaldson, PharmD
Senior Clinical Pharmacist, Emerging Therapeutics
Express Scripts
Woodbury, Minnesota
Friday, Oct. 23 | 1:30-2:45pm
(P1) Specialty Pharmaceuticals in Development
ACPE UAN:0233-0000-20-014-L04-P | Contact Hours: 1.25 | Activity Type:
Over the last several years, approvals of specialty pharmaceuticals have far outpaced those of traditional drugs. It is anticipated that this trend will continue. How will these specialty medications affect the dynamic health care landscape and managed care pharmacy?
This pipeline session will focus on new and emerging specialty medications and explore their likely role in therapy. This session will also discuss the potential impact of these agents on the managed care market.
Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Recognize recently approved specialty medications.
- Identify specialty medications that are likely to be approved in the next 12 months.
- Discuss the mechanism of action, indications, efficacy, and safety of new and emerging specialty medications.
- Report the likely effect of new specialty medications on the managed care market.